The European Association of Sugar Traders

We represent

The sugar trading industry at EU level, and regularly advise the EU institutions on all relevant matters affecting the sugar trade. Through our extensive membership, we represent over 60 companies trading sugar.

ASSUC is the representative body of the European sugar trade. In the interest of our members and in cooperation with the EU institutions and other stakeholders, we focus on continuously improving technical details of EU policies in order to promote a well-functioning sugar market.

We specialise

In European policies and regulations with strong connections to decision makers at European level.

Knowledge is key in sugar trade. We offer our members valuable insights into the EU agricultural, trade, sustainability and custom policies, as well as other areas relevant for the trade such as inward processing, sustainability compliance and Ukraine. We also monitor international fora such as the WTO and the G20.

ASSUC Annual Report

We participate

In official meetings organised by the EU institutions to provide our expertise on market issues.

We take part to the meetings of the Civil Dialogue Group organised by the European Commission, and we are members of the Expert Group of the EU Sugar Market Observatory where we advocate the views and good reputation of the sugar trade on behalf of our members. We also participle in other relevant meetings for the EU sugar trade representing the interests of our members.

We organise

Every year we invite our members to Brussels for our Annual General Meeting followed by an acclaimed Cocktail reception & Dinner attended by Key industry representatives, Company Executives, and EU officials.

The next ASSUC General Assembly will take place on 20 May 2025 in Brussels

Photos from the GA 2024



The ASSUC Board of directors gathers three to four times a year to discuss strategic affairs.

Become a member

ASSUC members benefit from our expertise through policy and technical support, and the secretariat makes sure that EU institutions and stakeholders have a good understanding of the market specificities.

ASSUC offers two types of membership:

-Full membership to associations in any European country recognized as having a continued interest and involvement in the EU sugar trade. Only Full Members have the right to vote at the General Assembly and are members of the Board of directors.

-Affiliate membership to associations or companies, even if they are domiciled outside Europe, which are active in the sugar trade.

Want to join us?

Contact your association in your European country listed below or leave us a message and we’ll be happy to support you!

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +32 (0) 472 23 76 03

Who & where we are

  • LEBO MOFOLO Secretary General
  • VICTORIA BIODUN - BELLO Office Manager
European Association of Sugar Traders

Rue de la Loi 155, Box 10

B - 1040 Brussels

+32 (0) 472 23 76 03  

+32 (0)2 736 79 97